Vermont's New Families

Any maple syrup connoisseur will tell you that Vermont is the home of the best maple syrup the U.S. has to offer. Now, it can be a little bit sweeter, as Vermont has taken a step to expand who can be a parent to a child.

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New Year's Resolution

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to give more this year. I have always believed in providing services to other people and it’s also my ethical duty. That’s why I’ve worked with the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service and will continue to do so. Not only do I think it’s a good thing, but I also have to acknowledge the privilege that I have enjoyed to be able to become a lawyer, and I believe that the way to make things more fair is to use that privilege to help people who have not enjoyed such privilege.

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Guest User Comment
What Consent Can Mean

Over the past several months, with the #MeToo movement taking hold, discussions about sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual crimes have become more prevalent. Many major figures have been accused of the above, from businesspeople to politicians [Ed: Are these still separate categories?]. Reports seem to be more frequent and, thankfully, more often believed.

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A Rose By Any Other Name (Might Stink in Court)

A few months ago, I had coffee with a very interesting medical professional. My coffee mate is a registered nurse focusing on obstetrics and gynecology for the LGBTQIA/GSM community, and at one point, she suggested writing up a legal glossary. In this post, I want to start with the term “in pari materia.” This might be one of more dry blog posts, but I think that it can show how difficult it can be to try and use self-help legal remedies.

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Contractual Families

A marriage contract is very different from other contracts, both in how it is created, and in how it is treated by the courts. For one thing, the idea of consideration (something of value that is included in a contract, which is also a requirement for a contract to be valid) is elusive, and does not even necessarily apply. [Ed. Tell me about it!] 

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Guest User
The Rough Part About Planning for Non-Marital Relationships

When you plan a wedding, there can be a lot of stress involved. First, you figure out a guest list and make sure that EVERYONE who needs to be on the list is on it. After that, you need to find a venue that is affordable and can also accommodate everyone. Once that’s done, you still must find a caterer and make sure that not only is it reasonably priced, but also delicious, and that there is an option for vegetarians...

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Guest Userweddings, non-marital
Finding a Poly Attorney

The last time I had insurance, I had the very fun task of having to call several pages of doctors trying to find the right one. Most of them had changed their addresses already, others' appointments slots were full, and a number of people had never existed in the first place...

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How Marriage Saves Money

One of my first paying jobs as an attorney was to research whether there is any way that two people who are married can file as single (the short answer is generally not)...

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